If you have a team and are ready for the big leagues, this is the one for you. SPS is divided into 3 classes, Open Division, Division 4 and Division 3. Attracting players from all over the world this is the biggest tournament in Singapore.

Dates: 7 & 8 March 2015

Venue: Red Dynasty Paintball Park (Turf City)

Time: 7.30 am (Registration), 8.00 am (Game commencement)) – 6.30 pm (daily estimated end time)

Download Executive Summary for all the details.

[button title=”Registration now” type=”linkbutton” color=”orange” align=”alignleft” url=”http://www.paintball-players.org/cgi-bin/signup.cgi?LID=224&EID=3732″ target=”_blank” el_class=”medium-text”]

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